Dec 4, 2008

He's gonna give me away.

Craig and I are really trying hard to be the parents that don't spank, but instead use time out. It works great for Craig because he's never here. But I'm the one who has to tell him no and send him to his room or sit in the chair. So, the other day after several attempts of telling him "no" and trying to get him interested in something other than climbing on the dishwasher, I swatted his bottom. Not hard, of course, but it was a spanking and he did cry a little. Since Craig isn't here, he hasn't witnessed any of these outbursts of mine. I fear, though, that Hayden is going to throw me under the bus one day. Now when I tell him no he starts spanking himself! Too bad it doesn't deter him from getting into that dishwasher.

Dec 1, 2008

Why is there sand in my sand box?

Silly question, I know. But after observing Hayden for several minutes, I came to the conclusion that is what he was thinking today. We were outside playing. It was a little cold, but still a bright, beautiful day. I opened his sand box thinking he would jump in and play with all the toys. Not today. Today he was on a mission to rid the sand box of all it's contents. He quickly grabbed his little green shovel and started a monumental excavation of the sand. He got a scoopful and walked across the driveway to dump it in the grass. More times than not, there was no remaining sand in the shovel by the time he got to the grass, but that didn't bother him. The only thing that did bother him was that the dogs were interested in the sand as well. He told one to move. Well, really it was more like "moo!", but she got the idea and quickly got out of his way. This went on for several minutes when I decided to run get the camera. Of course, by the time I got back, he had moved on to playing with something else. It never fails!