Mar 3, 2009

The good news and the bad...

The good news is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, so says the blood work!!! That's wonderful considering just days ago the nurse said that I might have a clotting disorder. Turns out, she had gotten the values confused, when in reality, I tend to bleed more than usual. My OB said that the values were only slightly elevated, but thinking back, it could account for the nose bleeds that I have had all my life. So that's good. It means that I don't have to worry unnecessarily about a stroke. It also means that I don't need to take baby aspirin or Heparin while pregnant!

The bad news is that there is nothing wrong with me. That means that, as of now, there is no medical test to find a reason for my losses. She said that she wouldn't do any treatment unless I continued to have miscarriages. She did say that a patient of hers has suffered numerous (at least 6) and her values are all normal, like mine. She has started her on aspirin and Heparin in case there is some disorder that they are unable to diagnose. She said that 10 years ago they never even did the testing that she did on me. So, it stands to reason that in another 10 years they might find something wrong with me that would explain everything.

So now the plan is to try again. Hope for the best and have faith that there will be another addition to this little family. I don't know how soon we will be ready for that, but for now Craig and I are thankful to God that everything has come back normal.


Nicole said...

So glad everything is normal. Praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

So happy everything is fine!! Good luck when you do start trying again, but I guess we all know it's not really about luck. ;)

Anonymous said...

have you read the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility?" If not I highly reccomend it.