First, I have to say that I think I have the sweetest boy in the world. Of course, I'm sure I'm a little biased, but I know every mother is proud of her children. Our pasture and yard has these little "flowers" sprouting up all over. They are the product of some weed, but the flower is really pretty. Hayden has presented me with many of these flowers he has picked over the last few days and he is so proud when he gives them to me. I, of course, make a big deal out of them and he just beams from ear to ear. They don't last long and you can't really put them in water since they are so tiny, but I love them just the same.
Tiny little flowers!
And finally, THE DREAM. A few posts back I was saying how glad I am to have so many pictures of my kiddos and the fact that Craig thinks I am going to blind them. Well, it may have come back to bite me in the you-know-what. The other night I woke up because I heard something on the monitor. It was Hayden mumbling in his sleep. As I listened I heard the words... wait for it... "Don't take my picture, Mama!" That's right! It made me realize that I am probably taking too many pictures of my son if he's having a bad dream about the momarazzi.
He's just getting so big! I laughed out loud at the "momarazzi" comment! Guess it's time to put the camera away for a while!?
I take way too many pictures too...but I have a horrible memory, and I saw on someone's blog the other day that her tagline was this:
Do not trust your memory. It is a net full of holes: The most beautiful prizes slip through it.
I thought, that's why I take so many pictures. I don't want to forget a thing!
But, my husband says that sometimes you have to just put the camera down and enjoy the moment you're in and I have tried harder to do that....and it is kind of liberating.
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