Jul 26, 2009

Terrible Twos

He looks pretty angelic. Doesn't he? But let me tell you, I was in a store today talking to a lady about children. She said that she has a little boy who is six and that so far the worst year was when he was three. That's not what I want to hear since Hayden just turned 2 and now he's throwing a fit nightly about going to bed. I am hoping that it's just because my cousins are staying with us and he doesn't want to miss anything they are doing. They have been here since Thursday night and so far he's had only one nap and hasn't gone to bed on time once. Last night he was up until 12:30a.m! I know this behavior is because his routine is disrupted, but my goodness. I dread bed time and bath time and teeth brushing time and nap time and reading time and the list goes on and on. I find myself giving in just so that I don't have to listen to the temper tantrum. Yesterday I started crying right along with him because I feel like I am doing something wrong. I couldn't help it and I couldn't hold it back either.

Jul 20, 2009


They say that as many as 70% of women who have a "feeling" about the sex of their child are right. I don't know who THEY are, but I like to believe that these are pretty good odds. When I was pregnant with Hayden, I knew immediately that he was going to be a boy, but dreamed one time that I was carrying a girl. From that moment on I was convinced that it was a girl. I should have listened to my first instinct.

With this one, I have not one time had a feeling that this baby is a boy. Perhaps it's because this time around I would like a girl. Or perhaps it's because I have had 3 dreams that it's a girl. The first dream(and some of it really made no sense, you know how dreams go) I was dating a guy that didn't look like Craig, but was him. He was leaving and I said to him that I just had one question. He interrupted me and said "it's a girl." It's not the question I was going to ask, but at that moment I woke up.

The second I dreamed that I had the baby and they took it to recovery without telling me what it was. My mom and I walked the hall and outside each room they had either a pink or blue tag with last name and either "boy" or "girl". When I got to my room, it said "Jennings: Girl".

And lastly, I dreamed that we had the baby and got home without knowing what it was. I know why I had this dream... Craig is wanting to wait until we have the baby to find out the sex. Anyway, we got home and I told him that I was ready to find out and he kept saying no! Don't ask me why! I told him that I was going to peak and sure enough it was a girl!!

I may be completely wrong and my mind is dreaming what I would like to see. I guess I will just have to wait until the ultrasound. That's just 6 weeks away and hopefully by then I can convince Craig that it would make things much easier to find out early instead of waiting. I think I am breaking him down!

Jul 14, 2009

13 weeks

Today was my second check up at the doctor's office. Good news is that I have lost 2 pounds! I haven't been trying to lose, but my appetite is not like it was with Hayden. Actually, according to my scale at home I have not gained, and I like to go by that one since the numbers are always less. Craig and Hayden got to come with me and since they missed the last visit, I begged my doctor to do a quick ultrasound for them to see. It was amazing to see the difference in size. There she (or he) was kicking and moving right on the screen. The heart beat was a wonderful size and the measurement is still right on with my estimated due date. From everything she could tell at this stage the back bone is formed, the skull is formed and she can see all arms and legs. Craig was so happy to see the little one, but Hayden was just trying to keep his distance since he knew we were in the doctor's office. I'm sure he was thinking that he was next! All-in-all I am so very pleased with how this pregnancy is progressing and some of my fears and anxieties have been put away after today.

Jul 12, 2009

My New Hobby

I guess I wouldn't says it's my NEW hobby since I have always loved taking pictures, but it definitely makes picture taking much more fun. I don't know if I will ever become a professional or even learn everything this camera has to offer, but I sure am having fun trying! Of course, my favorite subject is geting very tired of being photographed and I am pretty sure that he's seeing spots wherever he looks.

A subject other than Hayden

Time is ticking by...

Craig has been gone since Monday morning at 12:30a.m. That's right A.M. I haven't seen him since and now they are talking about just moving over to the new job today and staying gone all NEXT week. Ugh! I miss him so much and when we talk at night he sounds so miserable. I know he hates being away from home and I hate sleeping in that big, old king size bed alone. The worst part is that I leave Wednesday for Ft. Worth for our Premier rally. I won't be home until Saturday, making it almost two weeks since seeing him.

Jul 4, 2009

Happy July 4Th!

Fireworks were on the agenda last night and I was so excited! I had no idea if Longview did their own fireworks display or when it would be, but I so hoped that it did. To my surprise it was planned for last night, meaning that we wouldn't miss any time with Craig's family this weekend! Craig grew up on fireworks. It was like a staple of his diet. His grandparents owned a stand for years and his father has been known to make his own fireworks. It's always so much fun going to the lake with his family. It's like a right-of-passage for every boy in the Jennings family to light their own rockets!

So we planned ahead and gathered waters in the cooler, blankets, pillow and some toys for Hayden to play with while we waited. Gates opened at 7:30p.m. the flag ceremony started at 8:30 and the show was set to start at dark. As we turned the corner and got in the long line, we realized that people were parking a couple of blocks away in the numerous parking lots. So we quickly turned in and picked out our own spot, essentially saving ourselves $10/carload. I worried that from where we were parked we wouldn't see everything, but it was perfect because we could see it all and get HOME quickly!!!

Hayden sat in my lap completely still. He never flinched or cried. He just watched so intently . At one point he got in his little chair and watched while holding his kitty. But he never seemed nervous, only very watchful. I can see that he's definitely a Jennings.

Jul 2, 2009

What do you wear?

I have to say that I think this is the cutest picture ever. They were on their way to feed the goats. I guess when you live in the country you can dress any way that you want!

Jul 1, 2009

Another Do It Yourself

So, I thought I would be crafty today. I set out to make my own Play-Doh (dough). It's pretty easy, according to the directions and for the most part, it turned out ok, but it still didn't look like the pictures. Does it ever? In the process I stained the counter w/ a little red and my hands look like an easter egg. And in the end, we didn't even play with it! I will pack it up and maybe tomorrow we will attempt to make something out of my creation.

This is what it's supposed to look like.

And This is what mine looked like!
Ok, after going back and reading it says that you are to continue to add color until it looks like you want it too. But my goodness, I almost used a half of bottle of food coloring on each ball. Not to mention... look at my hands!! I guess I should wear gloves next time. Or better yet, buy the real stuff.