Jul 4, 2009

Happy July 4Th!

Fireworks were on the agenda last night and I was so excited! I had no idea if Longview did their own fireworks display or when it would be, but I so hoped that it did. To my surprise it was planned for last night, meaning that we wouldn't miss any time with Craig's family this weekend! Craig grew up on fireworks. It was like a staple of his diet. His grandparents owned a stand for years and his father has been known to make his own fireworks. It's always so much fun going to the lake with his family. It's like a right-of-passage for every boy in the Jennings family to light their own rockets!

So we planned ahead and gathered waters in the cooler, blankets, pillow and some toys for Hayden to play with while we waited. Gates opened at 7:30p.m. the flag ceremony started at 8:30 and the show was set to start at dark. As we turned the corner and got in the long line, we realized that people were parking a couple of blocks away in the numerous parking lots. So we quickly turned in and picked out our own spot, essentially saving ourselves $10/carload. I worried that from where we were parked we wouldn't see everything, but it was perfect because we could see it all and get HOME quickly!!!

Hayden sat in my lap completely still. He never flinched or cried. He just watched so intently . At one point he got in his little chair and watched while holding his kitty. But he never seemed nervous, only very watchful. I can see that he's definitely a Jennings.